The Internet Definitions
Copyright and Plagiarism 1
Plagiarism Task 2
Using a Browser
Searching Strategies
Website Evaluations
MLA Citations Style
Social Networking Sites

Website Evaluations

Alternative Task 1: How do you know when a site is real? reliable? legitimate? up to date? biased? a hoax? Complete this webquest on the artist named Jacopo di Poggibonsi.

Task 1: How do you know when a site is real? reliable? legitimate? up to date? biased? a hoax?

Look over the these two sites very, very carefully. Please note: One site is a hate site and is blocked by most school filters. I get special permission for it to be made available for this specific lesson. Discuss these sites with your team. Which site would you use for research and which would you discard and why.

Martin Luther King - Biography -

Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination -

Use "The Five W's of Web Site Evaluation" by Kathy Schrock to guide your team discussion.
Be prepared to report at fifteen minuted before the end of class. Five W's website or Five W's pdf

Now look up Martin Luther King, Jr. using Google, Ask Jeeves, Dogpile, or HotBot.

What are the first sites that you come to?Write the URLs. Ignoring the paid advertisements, look at the first 5 sites.

Helpful Links:
What makes a great website?

State of the Art Interactivity